High-flux zeolite MFI, CHA and DDR membranes
1. Ultra-thin (< 500 nm) Zeolite MFI membrane discs supported on ceramic supports with a diameter of 25 mm and thickness of 3 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 2.8 cm 2.
2. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite CHA membrane discs supported on ceramic supports with a diameter of 25 mm and thickness of 3 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 2.8 cm 2.
3. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite DDR Membrane discs supported on ceramic supports with a diameter of 25 mm and thickness of 3 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 2.8 cm2.
4. Ultra-thin (< 500 nm) Zeolite MFI Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 100 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 15 cm 2.
5. Ultra-thin (< 500 nm) Zeolite MFI Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 500 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 100 cm2
6. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite CHA Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 100 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 15 cm 2.
7. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite CHA Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 500 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 100 cm2.
8. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite DDR Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 100 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 15 cm2
9. Ultra-thin (< 1000 nm) Zeolite DDR Membrane tubes supported inside ceramic supports with a length of 500 mm. The support has an inner diameter of 7 mm and an outer diameter of 10 mm. The active membrane area when mounted in a steel cell (see below) is 100 cm2
10. Zeolite membranes of many other framework types can be manufactured upon request.
For MFI membranes:
Single gas helium permeance > 70 x 10-7 mol/(m2 s Pa) for dry membrane at room temperature.
Helium permeance < 0.5% of the single gas helium permeance for dry membrane at a relative n-hexane pressure of p/p0≈0.025 at room temperature.
For CHA membranes:
Single gas hydrogen permeance > 70 x 10-7 mol/(m2 s Pa) for dry membrane at room temperature.
SF6 permeance < 1 x 10-9 mol/(m2 s Pa) for dry membrane at room temperature. H2/SF6 permeance ratio > 7000.
For DDR membranes:
Single gas CO2 permeance > 30 x 10-7 mol/(m2 s Pa) for dry membrane at room temperature.
CH4 permeance < 0.1 x 10-7 mol/(m2 s Pa) for dry membrane at room temperature. CO2/CH4 permeance ratio > 300.
Steel cells
We can provide steel cells for membrane discs and tubes. All membranes mounted in steel cells are designed to minimize the effects of concentration polarization.
High-pressure steel cell for membrane discs (diam. 25 mm, 3 mm thick). Design pressure and design temperature are 0-100 bar and -150 to +350°C, respectively. The cell is equipped with a type K thermocouple.
Steel cell for membrane discs (diam. 25 mm, 3 mm thick). The cell is equipped with a type K thermocouple and graphite gaskets, which enables operation in a broad temperature and pressure range. It is the standard cell used by the research group at LTU and is a less costly alternative to the high-pressure cell (Picture 1).
Steel cell for membrane tubes (100 mm long, diam. 10 mm). Design pressure and design temperature are 0-80 bar and -20 to +50°C, respectively. Drying at 250°C without pressure. The cell is equipped with a type K thermocouple (Picture 2).
Steel cell for membrane tubes (500 mm long, diam. 10 mm). Design pressure and design temperature are 0-80 bar and -20 to +50°C, respectively. Drying at 250°C without pressure. The cell is equipped with a type K thermocouple (Picture 3).
The membrane will be mounted in a steel cell and delivered to the customer with a report of measured permeances as specified above. If a new membrane is needed, send the steel cell to us and we will mount a new membrane and verify the performance for you.
Contact us for quotations on membranes and cells.
Picture 1. Steel cell for membrane discs.
Picture 2. Steel cell for 100 mm membrane tubes.
Picture 3. Steel cell for 500 mm membrane tubes.